Sunday, June 8, 2008

Woah! I'm back!

Goodness gracious! It's been a long time since I've posted! I guess I've been busy busy! I guess I better update. :)

Nicholas is now 4 months old, yesterday! My, how time flies! He is such a cutie and such a happy baby. It's wonderful! I am LOVING the baby stage. I love love love cuddling him and watching him grow. I think I am able to enjoy the baby stage a little more this time because I'm not as nervous as when I was a first-time mom. :) It definitely helps that he's been a much better sleeper than his older brother!

Here are a couple recent pictures:

Donovan is a great big brother! He hasn't been nearly as jealous as I thought he'd be. There have been a couple things here and there, but overall he gives him lots of kisses and has welcomed Nicholas to the family. Donovan has really started talking A LOT! Sometimes too much. LOL! He is getting very good at using his words, but we are stillllll in that "no" phase, which can drive you a little batty. More than that he's in an "opposite" phase, if there's such a thing. I will give you an example.

Mommy: "It's a nice day today."
Donovan: "It's NOT a nice day today."
Mommy: "Do you want the red cup?"
Donovan: "No, the blue cup."
Mommy: "I'm tired."
Donovan: "Mommy is NOT tired."

LOL! Repeat 100x per day and it can drive you a little batty, ok? :-D

But, it's really cool to watch his vocabulary grow and to have lengthy conversations with him, so I can only complain so much. Here are a few pics of him:

I love love love being a mom and love our little family. We are stopping at 2 kids, so I'm trying to enjoy these stages as much as possible, since I know we won't be repeating. In a lot of ways, that's a good thing! ;-)

Donnell is doing well and just finished another school year, which means he's home for the summer. This is great for him, but it's hard on me since I work at home and get to watch him take 2 1/2 months off. Phew! Give me strength to stay focused! I'm sure he will fully enjoy his time off. Having 2 kids sure is a lot of work!!

As for me, I'm doing well. Nicholas gets up 1-2 times per night, still, so I can be pretty tired, at times, and it's downright BRUTAL when both kids get up! I've been working on a new side business in my "spare time", which has been a lot of fun (more on that later). Other than that, I'm just being a wife, mom, and working about 30-40 hours per week still as a computer programmer. :)

Oh we just had a 60th surprise party for my mother-in-law, so I better include some pictures of that. It was a lot of fun! We are also looking forward to my Dad and Stepmom coming for a visit to meet Nicholas and spend time with us and their other grandson, of course. It should be great fun! I hope it's not too humid because that's usually hard on California folks. LOL!

Bye for now!
