Sunday, October 14, 2007

23 Weeks Pregnant and I think you have a name!

Dear Baby Bean,

You are getting strong in there! You were doing some acrobatic work the night before last at 3am for about an hour! Maybe you were hungry because I sure was!! :-) I feel you move now many times a day, every day. I love this part! Your daddy has felt you moving now too and he said "Oh wow!" when you kicked his hand several times.

My doctor's appointment last week was uneventful, which is always good during pregnancy. Your heartbeat was a strong 155. Your mommy gained 8 pounds in a month, though! Yikes! That brings my total weight gain to about 16 pounds, already. It's all these sweets. I've eaten a lot more this time around. :-p My belly is measuring bigger this time around, too. She measured it at "25" and usually it matches the number of weeks pregnant you are. I think because my belly has already stretched, it just knows what to do this time. ;-) So far, so good on the stretch marks. Maybe one day I'll get in a bikini again. ;-)

So, I think you may have a name! I think we are 90% sure. First, let me tell you the names we considered. If you were a girl, you were going to be Mikala Renee, just like your brother if he had been a girl. Renee was both your dad and my sister's middle names, both deceased a year apart. But, since you aren't a girl, that name will go away now. Perhaps either you or your brother will name a daughter that one day. :-) We wanted you to have a meaningful name like your brother, whose name sounds similar to your dad's and has the same initials as him. But, we were out of D names we like to do the same for you (let me assure you this does not mean we love you any less haha). We considered "L" middle names and after my father, your grandfather, Leon. But, "Leon Johnson" w/ first or middle name just doesn't sound right to us. :-( We looked at the same meaning, but slight variation like "Lionel" or "Leo", but not really working either. I even considered trying to incorporate his love of crosswords. LOL! No go. Sooooo...your father liked "Xavier Michael", but I don't love it and it doesn't have as much "meaning" to me, so I liked "Nicholas" so you are named after me. I considered your initials to match mine like "Nicholas Alexander" (a little long) or "Nicholas Aaron" (your father didn't like either), so I think we have compromised on "Nicholas Xavier". What do you think? Do you like it? Let me tell you one reason your father likes "Xavier" is because if you decide to be an athlete, he wants to bang his arms together and make an "X" and chant your name. LOL! Your dad is so funny and silly. :-D Well, there ya go.

We are anxiously looking forward to meeting you in a few months. We have a few things to buy and we need to clean up your room, but we are almost ready for you. Not as much to do this second time around.

Your mommy

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