Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What a smarty pants!

I was putting Donovan to bed and said it was time for mommy to go, which he didn't like (last 2 days he doesn't want me to leave), so I said "It's eight three oh and that means it's time for me to leave." (Sue me, I was rounding!) He's really into the clock now. So, he sits up, looks at the clock and says:

"Nenenenene! Eight two eight." So, I said "Okay, you have 2 more minutes." Smarty pants!! LOL! I'm sure he didn't know it was just 2 minutes, but all he knew is that it was NOT when I said it was. Hahaha! He cracks me up! And, when eight thirty came around, you better believe that he looked at that clock and made sure I was right this time. And, I was, and I left with a content, but still a little disappointed boy to go to sleep.

Another funny story that I want to remember one day is that one day he was *this* close to a tantrum and I started to say in a funny voice "Are you trying to drive mommy crazy??!?!" and started tickling him. He thought it was so funny and it averted the tantrum. Yay! So, I tried it the next day and again he thought it was hilarious. Then he started doing this thing with his arms, raising them up. I didn't know what he was doing, so I just ignored it, basically. Well, then Donny says, "He's driving." LOL! He was literally trying to "drive" mommy crazy. How cute is that?!?! :-D

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