Monday, August 13, 2007

15 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Bean,

I heard your heartbeat today at my doctor's appointment. It was a strong 150. I gained 6 pounds since my last appointment, but that wasn't too bad considering I haven't gained too much so far. I have been getting a lot of headaches this time around and I'm not sure why. Last week I had a migraine for 3 days and had to get approval for the doctor to take an equivalent to Percoset. I was nervous, but could not take the headache anymore. Finally they seem to be gone for the time being. Does this mean you are a girl since I stopped having headaches with Donovan earlier than this? :-) Or, maybe it's simply because I've been unable to give up caffeine this time around. Being pregnant with a toddler does that to a mommy. Sorry. LOL! My doctor assures me my 1/2 cup of coffee per day is just fine.

I think you're going to be a strong baby. Why? Because I really haven't been able to slow down much and you are right there with me. Yesterday I was running around the backyard with Donovan and some of his cousins at a BBQ at your great Aunt's house. It was so much fun!

I swear I have felt you moving in there in my belly. I think "they" say it's still too early, but I just know I've felt you. I think you like to move a lot, just like your brother. :-)

Let me tell you what your brother is up to right now. He is 22 months old now. He is reaching those terrible two's we have often heard about. He has quite a temper sometimes! It's always worse when he's tired or hungry, of course. He is really talking a lot more now. Some pronunciation is still not there just yet, but I can understand a lot of what he says. Your daddy too. He is, overall, a very well-behaved little boy and very smart. He knows all his colors, how to count to 10 (tho difficult for others to understand his numbers), and even knows what certain letters sound like and can tell me some of his letters. If I point to "H", he'll say "ha ha ha". If I verbally ask him what sound H makes, he says the same thing. He can look at A, B, D, E (sometimes), H, I (points to his eye), M, O, and T (sometimes) and knows what sound they make or what letter it is. We think this is fantastic at his age and are very proud! He ***LOVES*** cars right now, including the movie Cars. He even wants to sleep with them in his bed. :-) We will be working on making his big-boy room soon, so you will have a room when you are born. We think a cars theme would be obvious and hope he loves his new room.

We can't wait to meet you and for you and your big brother to meet. We get to find out if you are a boy or a girl in about 5 weeks. How exciting! Take care in there.


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