Friday, August 31, 2007

17 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Baby Bean,

Boy have I popped!! It looks like I'm pooching out a bit sooner this time around, which I read was normal. Comparing my pictures from when I was pregnant with Donovan, it looks like I'm showing about 2-3 weeks earlier this time. I'm sure it will level out. Your grandmother said all her 5 kids were about the same size, so I very much doubt this means anything in terms of your size. :)

Headaches continue to plague me, which is not very fun. I started getting a migraine one morning at 2am, so I took a strong pain med and I still had it when I woke up. Ugh. Then, it got worse again so I took another one right before lunch and it made me feel sooooo weird. I'm never doing that again! It made me feel bad b/c if I was feeling that way, how were YOU feeling? Sorry. Hope you're ok in there. :-) My allergies are also affecting me more than I remember last time, however, it could just be the time of year. It is sooooo hot this summer! I'll be glad when it cools down.

Your big brother still doesn't know what's going on. I don't even think he notices my belly getting bigger yet, although I've noticed sometimes he has trouble getting comfortable while rocking before bed. :-D He is doing well and becoming very social. His nanny, Paula, is so good at taking him out and meeting people and letting him experience a lot. We love her so much and are so glad she's with us!

We get to find out whether you are a boy or girl in the coming weeks. We may get a 3D/4D ultrasound this time because I was having trouble getting an appointment with our doctor when your dad could be there. We'll see.

Well, here are pics of you in my belly in the last week.


Week 17:

Compare to last time:

Week 17:

Week 19:

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