Friday, January 4, 2008

35 Weeks Pregnant

Dear Nicolas,

We're getting there! Not too much longer to go and I'm getting antsy! I'm getting a lot more uncomfortable here. My back is hurting A LOT and finding a comfortable position to sleep is getting REALLY hard! My skin burns on my belly sometimes too, so I add a lot of lotion. I'm super lucky as I haven't seen any stretch marks yet! :-O Maybe one day I'll get back in a bikini after all. ;-) We had a little scare at the doctor's appt last week when she had trouble finding your heartbeat, but it was all good. I am up to 34 lbs weight gain. I gained 37 with your brother, so I'm on pace to probably gain about 40 with you. I'm blaming the holidays and the lack of time to exercise this time around. :-D Next week, when I'm 36 weeks, I start going to the doctor every week and they check our progress. We have to make it to at least January 20th, so I can host your Aunt Kim's baby shower, ok? After that, have at it! Don't keep me waiting until your due date, ok? ;-)

We had a very nice Christmas this year, by the way. You can see pictures here. Your brother loved getting all his new toys, especially the cars, trucks and "things that go". It was really nice to spend time with the whole family and eat lots of good food, too! You got a few gifts too!

New Year's Eve was a lot of fun too. Your dad organized a small party where we hosted a murder mystery. It was very last minute, but he did a great job pulling it together and I didn't have to do much at all (I am not too much help these days). We laughed a lot and it was a lot of fun!! Here are pictures of the party.

It's late and my back is hurting, so I will leave you with pics and say good night.


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