Friday, January 25, 2008

Countdown t-11 (38 Weeks)

Dear Nicolas,

Good job staying put until after Aunt Kim's baby shower. Now you can come *any* day you want, ok? Like today, even, ok? :-) Kim's baby shower turned out very nice and I was very happy to give her that special day. I hope she liked it just as much.

I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 2cm dilated / 70% effaced. I don't think you can really go backwards in effacement, but it's just subjective how the doctor feels that day. Your HB was 150 and guess what? I lost a pound! :-O I was shocked, but my appetite has decreased over the last week, so I guess that makes some sense. Total net gain is 39 pounds right now, 2 more than with your bro.

Your room is all ready, so now all we are doing is waiting for you. I'm working a lot and very tired. I don't look forward to bed at all because it's just not comfortable and I'm not sleeping well. And, I wake up in the 5 o'clock hour most days just because. Hips are sore and overall very uncomfortable. That's to be expected at this point, but still hard to handle esp. b/c it would not be fair to your brother to just sit around, ya know? He does have to eat sometimes. LOL! It would make it easier if your dad wasn't coaching basketball and gone so much right now, but we're almost there. Just need to stay strong a bit longer.

I think that's it for now, otherwise I will just keep complaining. :-D Below are the pics for this week.

Your mommy

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